

Branches of the departments

Head of the branch:

Svetlana Latushkina, Head of Vacuum-Plasma Coatings Laboratory, Cand. Sc. in Engineering, Associate Professor.

The department «Vacuum and Compressor Equipment» of Belarusian National Technical University was established in 2008.

Study programs:

– Vacuum and Compressor Equipment (1st degree)

– Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering (Master’s study)

Training for Undergraduate and Masters students is aimed at the activities complying solving design and engineering as well as manufacturing and technological tasks, assembly, adjustment, operation, diagnostics and repair of vacuum and compressor equipment. During the study, much attention is given to simulation basis and special methods for solving engineering tasks. Students get acquainted with modern computer systems of computer-aided design such as AutoCAD, KOMPAS, SolidWorks, Creo.

Some graduation projects are carried out taking into account the needs of the department branch at SSI «The Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus».

The graduates of the Department are placed into leading enterprises and institutions in the field of mechanical engineering: SSI «The Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus», «IZOVAK», «Stratnanotek», «Atava», OJSC «MMW named after S.I. Vavilov- managing company of BelOMO holding», The A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, State Institution «Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnologies».


Head of the Branch:

Igor Akula, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Ion-Plasma Processes, Cand. Sc. in Physics and Mathematics

The department branch «Applied Mechanics» of BrSTU has been established on May 13, 2021 at PTI NAS of Belarus.

The Applied Mechanics Department was established on February 1, 2017 by merging the departments «Material Resistance and Theoretical Mechanics» and «Structural Mechanics».

Study programs:

– Automation of Technological Processes and Production

– Motor Roads

– Car Service

– Architecture

– Water Supply, Water Disposal and Water-Resources Conservation

– Machines and Equipment of Food Production

– Melioration and Water Management

– Manufacturing of Building Products and Structures

– Civil and Industrial Engineering

– Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air-Pollution Control

– Technical Operation of Automobiles

– Technological Equipment of Machinery Production

– Technology of Mechanical Engineering

– Real Estate Expertise and Management

Research directions:

– use of low-temperature plasma in the machinery

– development of technological foundations and the technology of forming isothermal functional coatings with applying combined electromagnetic and chemical treatment methods

– development of effective methods for calculating structural components under mechanical and temperature effects

– design of models and software разработка моделей и компьютерных программ расчета сооружений

Scientific and research cooperation according to joint programs:

– SSI «The Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»

– SSI «Institute of Powder Metallurgy» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

– EI «Belarusian National Technical University»

– Belarusian State University

– Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

– Bialystok University of Technology

– State Higher Vocational School. prof. E. Szczepanik in Suwalki

– OJSC «Smorgon plant of optical machine-tool building»

– OJSC «Brestmash»

– OJSC «Kuzlitmash»

– OJSC «Brestgazoapparat», etc.